Friday, November 11, 2011

Plate Tectonics

How does the theory of plate tectonics help us explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and mountains? Be sure to include all requirements listed in your rubric.


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  3. I think the theory of plate tectonics helps us to explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and mountains because it tells us that giant things collide on the earth, right under our feet, making these things happen. When to continental plates collide they form mountains and cause earthquakes as they push together and rub against each other.

  4. The theory of a plate tectonics explians how we get natural phenomena like earthquake mountains and volcanoes because plate tectonics are the formation and movement of the plates that cover the earths surface, and on those plates there are boundry. On those boundry have many diffrent names and diffrent thing that they all do.One of the boundrys is the Convergent boundry and the convergent boundry are when the plates are moving over one another. The form land volcanoes an example wear the Convergent boundries have formed a land volcano is in the Japenese Island.There are also the transform boundries that cause major earthquakes.

  5. The plate that make earthquakes is transform boundary because when the two plates move they rub by each other causing earthquakes like San Andreas fault.The plate that makes mountains is convergent boundary because when the two plates meet they keep on moving and start to make mountains like the Indian and Eurasian.

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  7. When 2 continental plates rub together along a fault line it is called transforming and this is how earthquakes are caused. When 2 continental plates push together it is called conversion and when they converge the crumbled up pieces of the continental plates pile on to 1 pile and create a mountain

  8. The theory of the plate tectonics is that they are sitting on top of the mantleand they cover the Earths surface.The plates are what cause the mountains and earthquakes to happen.The transform boundary sideswhip to make an earthquake.An example is when an earthquake hit Hatiti and killed alot of people.The convergent boundary is when a mountains are formed.The two plates push upward to make a mountains.An example is the Indain and Eurasin plates to make a mountain.The mountains over time will were down and then the plates will make new mountains.

  9. This helps us explain by giving us a visual tool of how the world's crust and how it is divided into parts, and how these parts can interact with eachother in different ways, such as resulting in earthquakes or mountains. Its also proven by how all the continents can fit together with eachother wich was a Pangea. Earthquakes are caused by two plates sliding agaisnt eachother, an example is the San Andreas fault.

  10. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain the natural phenomena of mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes by telling us how the different plates form. Plates such as, a divergent plate, the two different types of convergent plates, and transforming plates.
    The divergent boundaries form when plates are spreading apart. Magma rises, becomes a solid, and pushes plates apart (spreading). An example of a divergent boundary is the African and Arabian plates.
    Convergent boundaries form when oceanic and oceanic plates move together or move towards each other. The same thing happens with oceanic and continental plates, and continental and continental plates. This is something that the Himalayan mountains do.
    A transforming boundary forms when two plates are sliding past or against each other. The San Andreas fault is an example of a transforming boundary.

  11. The teory of plate thectonics helps us because sometimes we can predict when an earthquake or mountain formation will happen. Earthquakes happen mostly on the plate's boarder and the reason why is that when the plates move they might rub on another plate and cause a natural disaster. I think it is cool that there are plate tectonics because there's always something to blame when something bad happens. All of the plates were connected too. not just the continents. I think it is so cool that the plates are even big enough to hold two whole continents. There are also different types of boundaries. There is the Divergent boundary when the plates are spreading apart, and the magma rises, then cools speading the plates apart. Oceanic convergent boundaries are when the plates move toward each other. Contenental convergent boundaries move together making mountains. Transform boundaries are when the plates slide past each other.

  12. It helps us by having a conclusion on earthquakes and mountains. Also, it makes sense on how the mountains are formed by the theory they have made. What I'm trying to say is that what the creators of that theory did was good. If I could I would like to give a little opinion on the names they have chosen, make it a little bit more easy to remember. But the theory is really good because, for example the way they said on the way the mountains were understandable. I agree on the way they say that the plates have had a convergent collision in the and how the plates pushed up against each other and made the mountains. This is what I think on what the theory of plate tectonics.

  13. The plates helps us expain natural phenomena because when some of the plates move they cause some dameg or mountans.If the plate transform it will create a major earhtquake but if it convergentit will make some mountans.

  14. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain that plate tectonics causes destruction in the earth which makes the land separate from each other.It also helps explain that alot a things such as eartrhquakes,mountains and other kinds of natural destructive land forms.Also that it helps us explain that it is

  15. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and mountains by showing when the plates collide together it coul'd form mountains and also cause earthquakes but not as rough when the plates slide next to each other and cause earthquakes but doe's earthquakes are very rough.

  16. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain natural phenomena because the theory explains that the plates shift and move and create divergent, convergent, and transforming boundaries. This applies to the question because when these boundaries are formed they create different kinds of natural phenomena. For example a divergent boundary is formed when a split in the earths surface occurs because of the magma rising upwards which can result in rivers such as the Red Sea. An example of a divergent boundary is the Arabian and African plates. When a convergent boundary is formed the oceanic crust goes under the continental crust this can make earthquakes, volcanic islands, onshore volcanos, and mountains. The other type of convergent boundary is formed when oceanic crust converges into oceanic crust, which results in earthquakes, volcanic islands, onshore volcanos, and mountains. An example of a convergent boundary is the Eurasian and Indian plates. The last boundary is a transforming boundary, which is made when two oceanic plates slide against each other, this can make major earthquakes. An example of a transforming boundary is the San Andreas Fault.

  17. I think the reason why the theory of Plate tectonics helps us explain natural phenomena is because when tectonic plates move, they form earthquakes and mountains. Such as when an earthquake occurs. While an earthquake occurs,a transform boundary is being form. And while a Mountain is being formed, a continental boundary is being formed. While a volcano is being formed, a convergent boundary is being formed. So when you know plate tectonics, you pretty much know how natural phenomenas keep on forming.

  18. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain natural phenomenon such as earthquakes and mountains because there is much evidence that the earth has plates that move, such as the Pangea theory, If there was once a super continent (the Pangea) how else would anyone explain how something so big just split apart. I think that there is good evidence that there is plates moving slowly underneath us, like how mountains are made from Transform Boundaries and earthquakes are made from Convergent Boundaries. So is there really plates moving under us right now? I can tell you that i don’t know but there very strong evidence that there is.

  19. Because earthquakes form when two plates slide against each other. How else would an earthquake or a tsunami form, other than the theory of plate tectonics? There is no other way an earthquake or a tsunami can form on the planet earth. Mountains are formed when two palates are separating from each other. There is probably one other way that mountains are formed but scientist are sure that it didn't happen there so thats how we can tell that plate tectonics form.


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  21. The theory of tectonic plates states that the Earth's Crust is actully broken into many peices that float on the mantle and are slowly moving. Each plate has a boundry, or a direction they are heading. Different boundries have different effects. Plates that are heading away from eachother (known as a Divergent Boundry)can cause seas, which are bodies of water inbetween bodies of land. The water fills in the place that the plates left empty. An example would be the Red Sea. We explain trenches, or lower land with one type of Convergent Boundries. Here the plates move together, and when they meet one plate goes under the other and digs itself into the mantle. The other type of Convergent Boundries can explain mountain ranges. When the plates move together, they both move upwards, building a mountain or mountians. As the plates continue coming together, the mountians get taller. We can explain Hemilain Mountains, where the Indian and Eurasian plate collided. We explain MAJOR EARTHQUAKES by Transforming Boundires. These boundries move against eachother like socks to carpet. A large Transforming Boundry is the San Andreaus Fault in California.

  22. The theory of plate tectonics can help up explain phenononons like earthquakes and mountains, one example of this is at the San Andreas fault. At this fault 2 plates slide past each other, and cause heat through the process of friction. This can make earthquakes occur. An example of a fault where a mountan may occur is the indian and eurasian convergent boundry, at this boundry a contental plate and an ocenactic plate collide. Because the ocantic plate is thiner than the contental plate the ocantic plate will go under the contental plate, it will then rise and form a mountain.

  23. It helps us explain the natural phenomena because in the theory of plate tectonics (also known as the Continental Drift) Pangea was a continent which was made up of all the plates, which then separated into the 7 continents we know today, which also proves that the plate tectonics theory (which is the plates are always moving even in different ways) is correct, and I don't think it's silly at all even if your thinking that because theres proof which is that all the continents fit each other to make the continent Pangea which does relate to the plate tectonics theory as I have said before. Sorry for doing that it helps us understand because there are 2 different boundaries which are Convergent
    (Oceanic/Oceanic), and Convergent (Oceanic/Continental). The Convergent (Oceanic/Continental) has 1 boundary that is the Oceanic that goes under the Continental which crushes the plate against another plate to make the land rise up which would be the mountains such as the Himalayan Mountains. The other Convergent (Oceanic/Oceanic) collide together and also create mountains also sometimes volcanic islands such as the Aleutian Islands and the Andes Mountains Thats how it explains the natural phenomena for the theory of plate tectonics.

  24. The theory on earthquakes and mountains is based on the idea the plates are constantly in motion. The plates are moving in different directions. The force of two pulling apart can cause earthquakes and just moving can cause earthquakes. The force of two plates pushing together can cause mountains. I believe that this idea is correct. The previous combination of all continents was called Pangaea. All of this is called plate tech tonics.

  25. The theory of plate tectonics helps us understand earthquakes and mountains because if the earth had one big plate then how would lava flow out and form land. Because there are earthquakes and mountains and they seem to show up mainly along the boundaries plate tectonics is probably true. Personally I think it is true because if there weren't plates then why would a bunch of earthquakes pop up on the boundaries. Plus earthquakes are formed mainly by transformed boundaries, which means that two plates are moving in opposite directions and rubbing against each other to form earthquakes. An area where this is happening is in California. Northern and southern California are moving apart so eventually southern California will brake off of the U.S.A. and be "floating" in the Pacific Ocean. Mountains are formed by Convergent boundaries which means that either the two boundaries are pushing up against each other causing them both to rise. This has happened on the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate forming the Himalayan mountains. Also Convergent boundaries can be where one plate goes under the other this forms small earthquakes and mountains. Therefor I think that plate tectonics is true and is the reasonable explanation for earthquakes and mountains.

  26. The theory of plates help us explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and mountains because when two convergent boundary move towards each other they are forming mountains or volcanos. Convergent boundary are Continental.

  27. I think the theory of plate tectonics helps us explain phenomena such as earthquakes and mountains because, earthquakes occour from transform boundaries.Mountains occour from one type of converging boundarie(continental on continental).

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  30. An element is only one type of atom and some examples are Nitrogen, Sulfur, Helium, Carbon, and Neon. An element also has the same properties or it would not be an element. A compound is an atom with two or more elements that are chemically combined like H2O(water). A mixture is just like a compound, but a mixture is not chemically combined.Like for example, salad with different fruits and vegetables that can be split apart.

  31. I think it helps us to figure out how the earth looked like. It helps us find out how some natural disaters start or how some landforms form. One natural disastor that is caused by plate techtonics are earthquakes. The boundary that causes earthquakes is the transform boundary. A landform caused by plate tectonics are mid-ocean ridges. They are formed by the divergent boundary. Another landforrm caused by plate tectonics are on shore volcanoes prodused by the oceanic/continental boundary. Also a mountain is made by a convergent boundary. So I belive that Plate Tectonics help us figure out natural phenomena. It helps us because it is resonable.

  32. The plate tectonics theory helps us explain how earthquakes and mountains happen and all the other natural phenomena because it would not make sense if suddenly mountains just appeared or lava suddenly came spilling out of them. You see, the only way this would make sense is cracks in the earth's surface. I believe in plate tectonics because it all makes sense. If there were no plate tectonics, then why would California have so many earthquakes? Why would there be that ring of volcanoes? Right where scientists think that there are plate tectonics is right where all the evidence of volcanoes and earthquakes. the rubbing together of plates make tons of earthquakes. For instance, in California, it is located right on a transforming boundary. This type of boundary slides against one another to make earthquakes. From research, India was not where it used to be a few million years ago, so how did it come to and how did the Himalayan mountains get there? This is an example of a continental continental boundary. Each year, pilots say that it takes a few more minutes each year to cross from America to Europe in their planes. This is because of the divergent boundary of the North American plate and the Eurasian plate. You see, none of the way Earth is formed right now or the way that all the landforms are made up could be like this if it weren't for plate tectonics.

  33. The theroy of plate tectonics helps us explain the natural phenomena, because when the plates move this causes plate boundraies. When two or more plates converge with eachother, the natural phenomena for this plate movment can include: Deep Sea trenches, Volcanic Mountains, and/or Volcanic.
    (Converge- collide with eachother/ move up against). Another plate boundary movement that cause natrual phenomena is when two or more plates diverge with eachother, the natural phenomena for this plate movment can include: Mid-Ocean Ridges, and Rift valleys.
    (Diverge- move away from eachother). And the last plate movement that could cause a natural phenomena is when two or more plates transform with eachother, the natural phenomena for this plate movement can include: Major Earthquakes.
    (Transform- when two or more plates move up against echother.)

  34. The theory of plate tectonics help us know that there used to be a super continent called Pangea because the continents and plate tectonics fit like a Jig Saw puzzle.Earth has natural disasters such as mountais and earthquakes forming.They form by the movement of the plate tectonics or also by how the plates push each together.Earthquakes and natural disasters pushed away the continents when they were a super continent.The continents started to push apart slowly and slowly until they are like this to this day.I think that the continents will be a super continent again because it seems like they are to come together some days but in millions and millions of years.

  35. The theory of plate tectonics help us by explaining how mountains and earthquakes are formed. Mountains are formed when 2 tectonic plates (convergent continental) come together and make mountains. One exaple of a convergent continental are the Himilayen mountains. Earthquakes are made by two tectonic plates sliding next to each other. This is called a transform. A example of an earthquake is the San Andreas Fault.

  36. Plate tectonics are pieces that divide the Earth surface and they're in constant movement by the control of the convection currents that happened in the mantle because the cool lava up in the lithosphere will sink to the core then the lava will heat up and go back to the lithosphere and this process happens again and again and this causes tectonic plate movement and their are 3 type of tectonic plate movement the first in divergent boundary and this happens when the plates are moving apart such as the red sea the second is convergent boundary is when the two plates crash sometimes the slide one another and from deep tenches and other times the two plates crash and move upward and forms high mountains and the third one is transform boundary and it happens when the two plates slide against each other and this forms huge faults.

  37. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and mountains because when you have plates and moving magma the plates will move. When these plates move they will collide. Plates have boundaries and when these plates collide you get a landform depending on what kind of boundary you have. You can have a convergent boundary that is oceanic continental which move towards each other and create deep sea trenches. This created the Japanese Islands. You can also have another kind of convergent boundary that is continental continental which collide and go up. These can create volcanic mountains and volcanic islands. This created the Himalayan Mountains. Another kind of boundary is a divergent boundary when the plates move apart. This type of boundary can create mid ocean ridges and rift valleys. This created the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The last kind of boundary you can have is the transform boundary where the plates slide next to each other. This type of boundary creates earthquakes. This also created the San Andreas Fault.

  38. The theory of plate tectonics help us explain natural phenomena such as mountains and earthquakes because when the plate tectonics move it could push up against each other or pull away from each other or slide apart from each other or when one goes on top of the other. But when when when the plates push each other up that is called convergent, and that can be made up from continental to continental, and when the plates move up it would cause mountains or mountain ranges. And an example are the Himalayan Mountains are a great example of the plate tectonic theory. Earthquakes are formed when any two plates slide next each other and that would be called transform boundaries. The plates when they move it shakes you could call it and that shaking would be the earthquakes. That is how the theory of plate tectonics helps us explain the natural phenomena.

  39. There are many plates in the world like the African plate and the North America Plate. some plates cause volcanos and others cause earthquakes. Some plates only cause good things to happen like they make mountains. Some plates cause places to combine like the Himalayan mountains. The Eurasian and the Indian plates combined and made the Himalayan mountains. There are lot of better and bigger plates in the world. Some plates are named after there continent or its named after its location.

  40. The theory of plate tections helps us explains some of the natural phenomenas in the world. First we need to understand that plates are always moving and changing. Then we need to understand that there are three kinds of boundaries. The first is transforming these are where the plates slide past each other. In these locations there are major earthguakes. One exapmle of where these happen is in Calilfornia. The next type of the three boundaries are Divergant Boundaries. Theses are the boundaries where the plates are moving away from each other. In these areas mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys form. This happened in the Red Sea in the Middle East. The final kind of boundaries are convergent boundaries. These boundaries form volcanic islands, deep-sea trenches, and volcanic mountains. These form when plates move closer to each other. The first fo these happen is oceanic and oceanic these forms The volcanic islands such as the Japanese Islands. The second kind is oceanic and continental. The last kind continental and continental. This is the way plate tectonics work.

  41. The theory of the plates which form and move the plates that cover the earth's surface which cause earthquakes and mountains to happened. Earthquakes happen when two plates are sliding next to each other this is called Transform for example the San Andreas Fault. And mountans happen when two plates move towards each other this is called Convergent for example the Himalyan mountans. There are so many examples I can't name them all.

  42. The theory of plates help us explain natural phenomenons such as earthquakes & mountains because when a boundary forms the earth's crust can move apart go over each other meet and make mountains or rub against each other and thats how the natural phenomenons happen and that how pangea got seperated.

  43. The theory of plate tectonics help us explain natural phenomena like earthquakes and mountains. It tells us that when two continents hit each other it makes earthquakes and mountains. It makes earthquakes because when two continents hit they shake. They shake because a continent is combining with another continent and it wont be easy, it is two solid surfaces pushing against each other. It also forms mountains, it forms them when two continents hit one another. It is like if you take two rugs and push them together, they make lots of bumps. (the carpet would be the continents and the bumps would be like the mountains.

  44. I think the theory of plate tectonics help us explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and mountains, one example is the San Andreas faolt. If you know that when the plates pass (slide) by each other that it would cause an earthquake. If two plates move towards each other that would cause a mountain. It One example for the mauntains is the Himalayan mts. The plates could also move apart fome each other then that would cause a valcano, such as the african plate.

  45. The theory of the plate tectonics helps us understand that earthquakes and mountains are formed by tectonic plates. Earthquakes are formed when the plates slide past each other which causes the earth to shake and rumble. mountains are formed when the two plates meet which causes major mountains

  46. A plate tectonic is a 'theory of the formation and movement of the plates that cover the planet" which is pretty much the top layer of the earth broken up. Its kinda looks like the side walk when it breaks up. There are 14 plates. The plate tectonics move around and make the continents of the earth move to. Some of the plate names are the Eurasian, Philippians, Indo- Australia, Pacific, Antarctic, Cocos, North American, Caribbean, Nazca, Scotia, South American, Arabian, African plate. Once there was a continent called the super continent or Pangea. Pangea was all the continents together. That was about 200 million years ago. Since plates moves, they collide, or pull apart from each other. These movements are classified as boundaries. The 4 boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries. A divergent boundaries is a boundary that moves apart from the other plate. Its like a candy bar breaking apart, or something tearing apart, tearing things apart is my kinda thing, its like god creating a fault. Some examples are the Arabian and African plates, that is forming the red sea. The North American and Eurasian plate that are moving apart. A convergent boundary is a boundary that go under, or over each other, when it is classified as oceanic, oceanic or oceanic, continental. Some examples are the Japanese islands, the aleutian islands, as oceanic, oceanic. Examples for oceanic, continental are on-shore volcanoes and the Andes Mountains. The other type of convergent boundary is when the plates push up on each other. This is a continental, continental boundary. Examples are major mountain formation and Himalayan Mountains. Last but not least is the Transform boundary, the plates slide past each other which tends to make a earthquake. An example is the San Andreas fault in California.

  47. I think that the theory of Plate Tectonics with the landforms of volcanos and mountains only happen because of the plates. When the plates move towards each other and move up word they create a Convergent Boundary of Continental. Which then creates a mountain. Volcanos are formed exactly the same way. Earthquakes are formed when to plates Transform or slide next to each other. The plates and the theory of Plate Tectonics can help us understand these landforms and how they were formed.

  48. Plate tectonics is the theory of the movement and shaping of Earth's plates which cover the whole crust. The movement of Earth'many plates affects the surface of Earth because if the plates move a certain way like say they are divergent and move a part. It could form a mid-ocean ridge or a rift valley could be formed. The plates are kind of like a cat if you pet the cat wrong way or in the plates case they move together the cat will hiss and a volcano or earthquake could have happened. So the moving, sliding, and coming together makes lots of disasters and pretty land forms. Converging boundries are like Christmas you have not seen your family and you come together. Converging boundries create volcanic mountains, volcanic islands, and deep sae trenches. Some examples of this are the Andes Mountains and the Japanese Islands. So all the movement and sliding can create disasters that people run from or nice land forms for you and your family to visit together. It explains the new land forms because when the plates slide and move a part they are not like a puzzle any more they can push up and make a volcano or a mountain or the plates could push each other down and make mid-ocean ridges or rift vallies. If there was just one big plate we would not have igneous rocks becuse there would not be volcanoes. We would also not have some of the pretty land forms that families visit in the summmer.

  49. The world is made of large plates that are the size of the continents.And each plate moves in ways that causes the landforms on the earth to this day.Earthquakes happen when two plates rub together.Volcanos form when two plates pull away from each other and this causes a volcano because when the two plates pull away from each other the magma from the earths core shoots up and that is what causes a volcano.When two plates collide the plates create a mountain because when the plates collide it splits up making a mountain or a hill.

  50. The theory of plate tectonics helps us under stand earthquakes and mountains because it is a reasonable way to explain the formation of these landforms. Of coarse, this is not the only way that these landforms form, for example, weathering and erosion. Earthquakes happen when two plates rub together. I think that plate tectonics can answer a lot of questions about the formation of landforms. To finish my comment, I must say that the plates can explain earthquakes.

  51. The theory helps us understand that mountains and earthquakes are formed by tectonic plates moving.Mountains are formed when two convergent boundaries move toward each other and press against each other.Example-Himilayen mountain range, which the Eurasian and indian plates caused .Earthquakes occur when two plates slide past each other.Example-The San Andreas Fault.

  52. I think the theory of plate tectonics help us understand that earthquakes and mountains don't just happen. The plate tectonics spread apart to form an earthquake. The divergent boundary makes the earthquake happen which is part of the plate tectonics. For example: the mid Atlantic bridge and the Arabian and African plates. With mountains the plate tectonics move forward to each other and it forms a mountain. the convergent boundary which is continental to continental basically says right in your face land to land. For example: Indian Plates and Eurasian Plates.

  53. The theory of plate tectonics help us explain natural phenomena because when 2 boundaries slide past each other they form an earthquake.It is called a transform boundary.When two boundaries move apart they form mid ocean ridges or rift valleys.It is called a divergent boundary.When two boundaries move together they form a mayor mountain like the Himalayan mountains.It is a convergent boundary they are 2 continental plates.When a continental and oceanic plate move together the oceanic plate goes to the bottom.An example are the Andes mountains and on-shore volcanoes.Another convergent boundary is when two continental plates move together and one goes on top and the other goes to the bottom.Examples are and aleutian mountains and Japanese islands.

  54. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain natural phenomena that is that we can tell what kind of plate tectonics they are because if they form a mountain then they are convergent plates. Also there was 1 continent before called Pangea. Pangea had all the plates in 1 location. Than the Pangea later separated into 7 continents in the earth. A area in the U.S.A is in California where the tectonics slide past each other called transform.

  55. The theory of the plate tectonic gives us a way to see how our world today came to be. A great example is the Himalaya mountains. You see as the Arabian plate smashed into the Eurasian plate a CONVERGENT boundary was taking place. And thus the Himalaya mountains were formed. This, as I said before, is a convergent boundary were two plates smash into each other or if a oceanic plate(thiner plate) and a continental plate(thicker plate) are involved then the oceanic plate is pushed under the continental plate. A deep-sea trench can be formed. There are other boundary to theres a divergent and a transform boundary. With the divergent one a volcano came form and with a transform boundary earthquakes are common.

  56. Their are a lot of different plate tectonics, but I am hear to tell you about the plates boundaries. Their a 4 very different boundaries. And out of random order I will start with the divergent boundrie, a divergent boundrie is when two seporite plates move appart from one another creating mid ocean ridges and rift valleys. The next boundarie is the convergent but their are two different convergent boundaries but the first one I am going to talk about is convergent oceanic coninetaly. This is one boundarie where they do push together but one plate gose underneith the other plate. Creating deap sea trenches and one example is the japan island. The next is the convergent contenetal contental where the two plates move torwards each creating the himala mountains and volcanis moutains. Last but not least the transforming boundarie where the two plates slide against each other creating major earth quakes.

  57. The theory of plate techtonics help us explain natural phenomena by giving us a better understanding of how landforms can be created and how the earth changes during the course of time. This can happen in 3 main ways. The first way this can happen is from a Divergent Boundary when this happens the two plates are spreading appart a example of this is the African and Arabian plates which are forming the Red Sea. The second this can happen is by a Convergent Boundary this is where two plates collide and one goes under the other. The plates can be Continental and Oceanic or Oceanic and Oceanic. A great example of this with Oceanic,Oceanic is the Japanese Islands. A example of Oceanic and Continental Convergant Boundary is on shore or land Volcanoes. When both Continental plates collide it forms Moutains an example of this is the Himalaiyan Moutains. The third way is Transformant Boundary that slides past eachother. An example of this is the San Andreas fault.

  58. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain natural phenomina because when two or more plates rub togethern or shift and movethey cause different things to happen. This is called boundaries between plate tectonics. The different typed of boundaries are divergant boundaries, convergant boundaries, and transform boundaries. When divergent boundaries happen plates move apart from each other and usually make ridges. There two types of convergent boundaries. One type is when oceanic plates go under contintal plates to create trenches and volcanoes. The second type is when two continental plates collide to create mountains. The last type of boundaries are transform boundaries. That is when plates slide past each other and make earthquakes just like the San Anreas fault.

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  60. The theory of plate techtonics helps us understand stuff like how mountains are formed. The way that they form is that when 2 convergent plates come togheter and form preassure, and that preassure is the thing that causes MOUNTAINS.The preassure may also cause volcanoes.

  61. The theory of plate tectonics help us explain natural disasters such as earthquakes and mountains because it helps us understand when plates underground interact with each other or part from each other what happens to the earth above. Like the Himalayan Mountains. These mountains, according to the theory of plate tectonics, are formed by convergent boundaries. In convergent boundaries the plates will move towards each other, as they are moving they the plates make the earth above it rise, and that is the theory of how mountains are formed.There are different types of boundaries such as divergent,convergent,and transform. In the transform boundaries the plates slide past each other, as they are sliding the ground above them starts to shake and move, like the San Andreas fault. That is how we understand how earthquakes are formed by using the theory of plate tectonics.

  62. The plates help us explain the cause of the earthquakes ,and mountains. Everytime the plates move it pressure it. The amount the pressure that the plates cause ,and form the mountains ,and earthquakes. This amount of pressure take a long time.

  63. The theory of tectonic plates states that the Earth's Crust is actully broken into many peices that float on the mantle and are slowly moving. Each plate has a boundry, or a direction they are heading. Different boundries have different effects. Plates that are heading away from eachother (known as a Divergent Boundry)can cause seas, which are bodies of water inbetween bodies of land. The water fills in the place that the plates left empty. An example would be the Red Sea. We explain trenches, or lower land with one type of Convergent Boundries. Here the plates move together, and when they meet one plate goes under the other and digs itself into the mantle. The other type of Convergent Boundries can explain mountain ranges. When the plates move together, they both move upwards, building a mountain or mountians. As the plates continue coming together, the mountians get taller. We can explain Hemilain Mountains, where the Indian and Eurasian plate collided. We explain MAJOR EARTHQUAKES by Transforming Boundires. These boundries move against eachother like socks to carpet. A large Transforming Boundry is the San Andreaus Fault in California.
    In conclusion, the theory of tectonic plates can explain many things that couldn't be explained before. Things such as earthquakes, trenches and volcanos can be explained.
    (This was continued by the post earlier)

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain natural disasters because when the plate boundaries transform, converge, and diverge they can cause earthquakes, mountains, new land mass, and they can also go under other plates. Pangaea was separated into what are now the 7 land masses. After billions of years, Pangaea was separated by different kinds of boundaries. One type of boundary is a transform boundary. When plate tectonics transform or slide past each other, they can create earthquakes. An example of one is the San Andreas Fault. Mountains can be created by convergent boundaries.

    Another type of boundary is the divergent boundary. Divergent boundaries separate parts of land masses. It happens when magma rises or pushes up and pushes the plates apart. An example of a divergent boundary is the African and Arabian plate. Also, Iceland is separated because of divergent boundaries. Magma rose up and separated the land mass apart. It is like swimming. When you dive into a pool, your hands pushes the water away and then more water which is suppose to be magma fills back in the spot where the water was separated. The water that you have pushed away is the land mass getting split apart.

    The last kind of boundary is a convergent boundary. There are many types of convergent boundaries. There are continental and continental, oceanic and continental, and oceanic and oceanic boundaries. When continental and continental land masses collide, they can form mountains. An example of continental land masses colliding together is the Himalayan Mountains. They separate Eurasia and India. When oceanic and continental crusts collide, the oceanic crust goes under the continental crust because the oceanic crust is thinner and weaker than the continental crust. Lastly, oceanic and oceanic can create many things. For example, it can make islands like the Aleutian Islands and it also can collide and form mountains.It also can create volcanic mountains which can form new land by the cooling lava.
    -Carol :) I am sorry for deleting it two times. I think this is my final one.

  66. The divergent boundaries move apart creating the red sea. The convergent boundaries move together creating earthquakes, volcanic islands, and onshore volcanos. An example of that is the Japanese islands. The transformed boundaries slide side to side. An example of that is the San Andreas fault.

  67. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain natural phenomena by showing us where they form and how they happen. A lot of it is just watching the plates move in their natural way and filling in the parts we don't understand with common sense then proving the theory that person has created with rock hard, (no pun intended), evidence. In the case of earthquakes we use heat sensor technology to observe building heat and pressure in between plates, which helps us predict earthquakes. We would never have created this technology if that one person who originally realized, and came up with the theory that, earthquakes happen because of plates. He or she could prove that over and over again by showing the world that earthquakes only happen around fault lines. Also with the technology we have today, that heat builds in transform boundary faults and when it builds up as high as it possibly can, the two plates jerk by each other releasing all that heat and pressure that creates an earthquake. With the creation of mountains it was the same, common sense and scientific fact. Mountains are created when two plates on a convergent boundary collide. Pushing against each other they have two options, either one will go under the other (oceanic, continental) or both will be suborn and eventually push each other upward, moving all the land above it into a peak formation. This is how a mountain or mountain ranges form and it usually only happens with two continental plates. Proving this would not be very hard, for common sense proves this by itself. You can try this right now by yourself. Put your hands facing each other middle finger to middle finger and push. Both fingers go up and create a mountain. These are a few examples of how the theory of plate tectonics can help us understand natural phenomena.

  68. The theory of plate tectonics helps us explain natural phenomenas because when the plates shift and move, things like earthquakes and mountains happen. Earthquakes happen when the plates start shifting, mainly when there is a transform boundary, which is when two plates slide next to each other. Mountains appear when two plates, usually two continental plates, collide with each other. Since neither can go down, they both go up, forming mountains. This is called a convergent boundary. Plates can also form islands. When a oceanic plate and a convergent plate crash. the oceanic one goes under the continental. Slowly, the rock will begin to melt, and the melted rock will go up, forming volcanic cones, which slowly get bigger and bigger, forming islands. The plates move very, very slowly, and mountains and islands form very slowly because of how slow the plates move. These are a few things that can help explain the theory of plate tectonics and the natural disasters they make.

  69. The theory is that the plate tectonics is a large scale of motions, of the Earth's lithosphere. The theory builds on the reasons of a continental drift. It also relates with divergent, convergent,and transforming boundaries. (Ex:San Andreas fault, Himalayan mountains.)


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