Thursday, October 13, 2011

Physical Changes

What are the indicators of a physical change?


  1. If the original substance is still the same , or it is just some sort of tare, effecting size , texture, shape, volume, mass, weight, and state of matter.

  2. Size change, color change, and shape change.

  3. The indicators of a physical change is the texture, shape, state of matter, volume, mass, and weight.

  4. Some indicators of physical changes are texture, shape, size, change of matter, weight, mass, ect.

  5. Some indicators of physical changes are, Change of shape, Change of size, and change of volume.

  6. Some indictors of physical change are texture, mass, weight, size, shape, change of matter, mass, and etc.

  7. a physical change is when the object changes shape, size, form, and volume.

  8. A physical change is when some sort of object changes form. Whether its size, shape, form or volume. They're all types of physical changes.

  9. It still the same but it might have a diffferent shape or size

  10. some indicators of physical changes are change in texture,shape,size state of matter,volume, mass,weight,ect

  11. A physical change is when a substance changes their physical features but not there chemical nature. Some indicators that the change was physical and not chemical is change in shape, texture, size, volume, mass, weight and change in state of matter. If any of these things change, they will still be the same substance, but will look a little different.
    Low Riders

  12. A physical change is that the object is still the same but its just a different shape or size.

  13. The indicators of physical changes are texture, shape, size, state of matter, volume, mass, and weight.

  14. Some indicators of a physical change are its volume, mass, state of matter, shape, size, and texture.

  15. A physical change is when the matter has a change that changes the shape ,size and how much it weighs

  16. Some indicators include, change in texture, shape, size, mass, and volume.

  17. Some indicators of a physical change would be shape, size, density, and length.

  18. Indicators of Physical changes are: texture, shape, size, state of matter, volume, and mass

  19. An indicator of a physical change is a change in shape

  20. the indicators of physical change are shape, size, lenght, height, density

  21. A physical change is a change that includes size, texture, shape, volume, mass, and weight.

  22. indicators of a physical change are size difference, shape, and texture.

  23. Some of the Classified indicators are when the matter changes the physical properties but not the chemical nature. Another is matter changing in the texture,shape,size state of matter, volume, mass and weight.

  24. Physical changes are...suger and tea-cutting paper-droping a glass bottle and a egg breaking

  25. Some indicators of a physical change could be a change in texture, shape, state of matter, size, mass, weight, and volume.

  26. some examples and indicators are shape, texture, and size some examples are
    sugar in tea
    cutting paper
    crushing a pill
    egg breaking

  27. Physical changes occur when matter changes its properties but not its chemical nature

  28. Some signs of a physical change is if the texture, shape, size, state of matter, volume, mass, and weight change but not all have to.

  29. An indicator of an physical change could/can include a change in an object's state of matter, volume, mass and weight. Some other things that you can notice when a physical change occurs includes a change in texture, shape, and size within the object.

  30. Some indicators of a chemical change are texture, shape, size, state of matter, volume, mass, and weight.

  31. Another sign of phyiscal change is painting a bicycle,slicing bread, and breaking a pencil

  32. A physical change occurs when an objects texture,shape, size, or state of matter changes. Ex: Glass Breaking

  33. A indicator of a phisical change is something that all the object has one of the only thing's that change are size

  34. The indicators of a physical change are changes in texture,shape,size,state of matter,volume,mass and weight.Physical changes occur when a substance changes it's properties but not it's physical nature.Examples of physical changes are painting bicycles,cutting paper,or breaking pencils.

  35. A physical change doesn't change what it is. For example if you cut a sheet of paper in half it is still paper only shorter. Also a physical change only changes it's properties.

  36. some indicators of physical change are changes in shape, state of matter, texture, size, volume, mass , and weight. These are changes that occur when matter changes it's properties but not it's chemical nature.


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